Dream 7-1-2023 NO: #53

After years of living in a haze I feel like I am finally waking up.
remember 9-12-XX22 NO: #52
Never give up on that shelved project!.
Found 6-21-XX22 NO: #51
Guess where I have been . I am out living my giant robot dreams. A while ago I got a part time job as a mecha operator and data entry monkey. I helped construct this 700+ lb robot built for hazardous terrain and now I have taken over as its keeper using it for all sorts of crazy jobs in the middle of nowhere.
NO 2-22-2022 NO: #50
Year 3 7-30-2021 NO: #49

Found 6-2-XX21 NO: #48

After probably the most stressful 6 months of my entire life. I have come to the realization of what I want to do with my life and more importantly this site.
I want to do more things with electronics and robotics. I really want to embrace the maker/hacker community building things that I have always dreamed of.
I'm not sure what this will become, but I am ready to find out!
Done 2-22-2021 NO: #47
Flash 12-28-XX20 NO: #46
2021 marks the end of support for Adobe's Flash player. I have always been a huge fan of Flash and have been archiving Flash content for the last five or so years. It has seemed like absolutely everyone hatted Flash for the longest time and even made fun of me for liking it. I'm glad Flash has finally gotten some respect in the last few months with everyone looking back on it. The real shame of losing Flash is not only will we start losing lots unique internet content, but it will also be impossible to make content like you could with Flash. For an example there currently is no shareablee file format for vector based video as well as anything as portable as Flash was. I is honestly too bad. At least I will have all the good memories of playing games on the computer lab back when I was a kid, or checking the Dagobah advent calendar for new content, and all the fun times browsing /F/ and Newgrounds.
I wanted to do something in commemoration for Flash ever since last year, but I ended up rushing to make it. Here is the first and probably last Flash I'll ever make. A countdown to the end. I hope you enjoy, happy new year.
Zim 11-21-XX20 NO: #45
Invader Zim is like the early 00s version of the Bronys. (Although that's not exactly a bad thing.)
YEEHAA!! 11-7-XX20 NO: #44

So, the other day I was thinking that the original Hamster Dance maybe one of the internet's first web shrines. Being posted in 1998 it came a full 3 years before YTMND. If anyone knows of any older sites that could be considered web shrines contact me, because I'm super interested.
Happy Halloween/span> 10-31-XX20 NO: #43

Happy Halloween may your night be haunted by the spookiest of ghost.
CYB-Y2K 10-17-XX20 NO: #42

Guys I think cyber Y2K encompasses all that is my aesthetics and was made just for me.
Inktober 10-10-XX20 NO: #45
It isn't too late to start an inktober thing 1/3 into october, right?
Fall 10-3-XX20 NO: #44
Where did all summer go?
Nico Nico Douga 9-26-XX20 NO: #43
This is probably what a YouTube one would have been like.
I love and hate it so much.
Color 9-19-XX20 NO: #42
I made a color swab to print out and compare with items, I have to say they look a lot different on paper.
I never can tell whether I really like the color schemes or hate it.
Project V-Pet 2 9-12-XX20 NO: #41

So I've made some progress on the vpet project (some! not a lot) I was building it off of an arduino micro controller before, but I have decided to swap it to a raspberry pie, because I was quickly running out of IO pins. I've been playing around with building out the main program functions in python and so far I have a pet that starves to death in about a minute, so I think I'm doing pretty well. 🤔
Web-Lang 9-5-XX20 NO: #40
So the other day I well a few months ago, I had an idea to try my hands at a conlang I'm calling Web-Lang.
Well not exactly a full fledged language, but more of a grammar add-on.
Web-Lang brings XML sintaxis as well as some sql sintaxis and even some 1337 speak into everyday pen and paper writing. I know it's kinda dumb. I made it mainly for journal organization and archival usage. Adding tags like H1 UL OL tends to be a surprisingly helpful in note taking. I'm still tweaking it for daily use, I might post a working draft of it when I'm done. Tell me if your interested at all or think dumb.
Doesn't Really Matter 8-29-XX20 NO: #39
Why am I so obsessed with this music video. The asethetic strikes a chord with my inner soul.
Coffee Core 8-22-XX20 NO: #38
Webring 8-15-XX20 NO: #37

I've finally made it in life. I've joined a webring. It's like I've been invited to sit at the cool kids table. 😎
Okay, maybe not. Anyways check out the the other sites in the webring. I have them linked at the bottom of the screen.
Ukagaka 8-8-XX20 NO: #36

So the other day I started researching this old software from the turn of the millennium. It's most often referred to as "Ukagaka" and it is basically a primitive desktop assistant. (think BonziBuddy but with 2chan memes and anime characters) You might be wondering why I'm even interested in it. Well somehow this old software has survived all these years. It's like some kind of living fossil. There is an incredibly niche but die hard fan base that is continuing to maintain updates and create new character modules. Just take a look at how odd the google trends for it are. It's all so strange.
Year 2 7-30-XX20 NO: #34

Alright year two! Not dead yet and I'm full of motivation for more!
Web VR 7-26-XX20 NO: #33

Every day is america day 7-4-XX20 NO: #30
Happy First Day of Summer 6-20-XX20 NO: #28

NOW 2-22-2020 NO: #27
under construction 10-19-XX19 NO: #26
MegaBots 9-28-XX19 NO: #24
Snack Time 9-22-XX19 NO: #23

Wait, these are just regular Hot Cheetos in a cocoa puff mold |- -#|.
Super Saiyan Gumbal 9-15-XX19 NO: #22
congratulation 8-31-XX19 NO: #20

If you don't know the impossibly stupid story on how a weeb from /a/ used his muscles to hide his power level to obtain the dream life in japan and then ascend into the manga world of Monster Musume.

(I've been wanting to share this podcast story here for a while)
Not worth it 8-24-XX19 NO: #19
TV Dude 8-17-XX19 NO: #18
Update 8-10-XX19 NO: #17
svg junk 6-29-XX19 NO: #12
Summer Fun 6-21-XX19 NO: #11

Well the ones of you who on the north half of our blue ball that is. | U U |
Happy 4-13-XX19 NO: #9
E-mail 3-2-XX19 NO: #7

owo What child is this? 12-25-XX18 NO: #5
come join the party 12-24-XX18 NO: #4
update 10-12-XX18 NO: #3
first post 07-30-XX18 NO: #1